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摘 要:碳关税可能成为今后相当长一段时期内影响国际经贸关系的热点问题。我国在实现工业化过程中,高碳发展模式短期难以改变,碳关税的出台无疑会给我国带来潜在的负面影响。本文从国际碳关税发展趋势入手,分析后危机时代碳关税的发展趋势,指出碳关税的实质是披着“绿色外衣”的新型贸易保护主义,体现了发达国家主控全球经济的霸权主义。碳关税的出台将使我国面临的贸易摩擦数量和范围增大、出口及经济增长受到阻碍、制造业及其产业链遭受严重冲击、战略性新兴产业竞争压力增大,因此必须勇于面对碳关税的挑战,从国际国内两个层面采取相应措施。
Development Trend of the International Carbon
Tariffs and Potential Effect Analysis to China
Qingxin Lan
University of International Business and Economics,Beijing,100029
Abstract:Carbon tariffs will become the hotspot to influence international economic and trade relations.China’ high-carbon economy model is difficult to change in short term. Carbon tariffs will bring potential negative effect on China. The article analyzes the development trend of the International carbon tariffs,and points out that the essence of carbon tariffs is new trade protectionism and the economy hegemonism embodiment of the developed country. To China, carbon tariffs will fortify the amount and extension of trade friction, block export and economy increase, impact manufacturing and its industry chain ,and intensify the competition pressure of emerging industries of strategic importance. So we need adopt countermeasure from two international and national aspacts.
Key word: Carbon Tariffs;Trend;Potential Effect