北京师范大学中国社会管究院副教授 副院长 赵秋雁
Zhao Qiuyan, Associate Professor and Associate Dean,
China Academy of Social Management, Beijing Normal University
摘要 当今,世界各国能源战略的重心正在由能源占有向能源清洁利用转变,发展低碳能源技术,实现低碳经济转型已是大势所趋。煤炭是中国的主体能源,在未来相当长时期内,煤炭作为主体能源的地位不会改变,面对全球气候变化,以煤为主的能源结构与发展低碳经济的矛盾更加突出,尤其是,煤炭高效清洁利用具有显著的技术密集型特点,科技创新成为“安全、高效、低碳”的现代煤炭工业体系的核心。本文探讨煤炭高效清洁利用的对策,不仅从其作为能源政策有机组成部分的角度来考察,而且,充分考虑技术日新月异所带来的重要影响,关注技术实践和规范的相互作用。从中国煤炭政策发展脉络入手,分析了以科技创新促进煤炭高效清洁利用的萌芽、初步发展和新发展三个阶段,得出了以科技创新促进中国煤炭高效清洁利用的基本思路:激励适用性技术多样化、加强技术标准规范化、推进技术扩散国际化。总之,中国应对气候变化的煤炭高效清洁利用政策的整体取向,应当以无限的科技创新解决有限的资源环境约束,满足合理控制煤炭消费总量的要求,适应全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标和走新型工业化道路的发展趋势,实现能源可持续发展,进而为经济、社会的可持续发展提供广阔空间。
关键词:煤炭 科技创新 可持续发展
Abstract : China is predicted to account for 74 per cent of the world’s coal-related emissions between 2006 and 2030, and, given its reliance on coal, its task to reduce emissions is Herculean. Greatly reducing the use of coal, and making it cleaner are the only ways to achieve the emissions target. Coal consumption accounts for 68 per cent of total primary energy consumption in China, and 80 per cent of electric power comes from coal-fired power plants. Moreover, its coal-dominated energy mix cannot be substantially changed in the near future due to its abundance, relatively low cost and energy security benefits. It follows that the scientific and technical innovation will be a critical element in contributing towards a more balanced socio-economic development and emissions reduction, while enabling China to move closer to a harmonious society. This paper discusses the way to perusing efficient and clean use of coal, not only from the energy policy perspective, but also from the scientific and technical innovation perspective. Furthermore, it analyses China’s three stages of scientific and technical innovation in coal industry: budding stage, preliminary development and current new stage. It then develops a preliminary insight for decision-makers on the scientific and technical innovation system of efficient and clean use of coal in incent diversification applicability of technology, standardization of technology standard, international technology diffusion.
Key Words: Coal; Scientific and Technical Innovation; Sustainable Development 3